Friday, August 27, 2010

My personal fish bowl

This boat has been stranded on the beach since the winter, but lately it has gradually moved down towards my beach. The power of the tides is really amazing! Last night I noticed that dozens of little fish were inside the boat, having found themselves caught without a ride back to the water. I hope they were able to get back to the bay once the tide came in. I scolded them with my old lecture, "Well, what did you expect would happen once the tide went out?" but they ignored me. The sun is setting much earlier now and most days I don't make it home in time to see it. Last night the sun was gone, but a bright orange band of color still hugged the horizon. The water takes on a silver-gray-metallic blue hue at this time that is so beautiful and impossible to replicate with any paint color or crayon. Who makes a silver-gray-metallic blue? Not Benjamin Moore. Only Mother Nature.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Meteor shower!

This is one of my most favorite events of the summer! THE PERSEID METEOR SHOWER: The annual Perseid meteor shower is underway. Earth is passing through a wide stream of debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle, and each time a fleck of comet dust hits Earth's atmosphere--flash!--there is a meteor. Forecasters say the shower will peak on Thursday, August 12th, and Friday, August 13th. You can see Perseids flitting across the sky at any time between about 10 pm on Thursday evening and sunrise on Friday morning. Observers who get away from city lights can expect to count dozens of meteors per hour, especially during the dark hours before dawn.
I will be out at the beach this evening. Please come down and join me. I will be the woman in the lounge chair staring up at the sky.