Monday, May 2, 2011

Bird's eye view

I was down at the beach today observing a large flock of those beautiful ducks that I can't properly identify. They are black, white, gray and have nice markings. I was watching them as they took off, all flustered and in a terrible rush. Did you ever notice how when ducks fly them seem so stressed out and nervous? Like someone is always chasing them. I can just imagine what they are are all saying to each other. "AAH! I think I saw something move! Let's go! Go! Hurry!" They are totally the nervous Nellies of the water. If the beach were an office setting, the ducks would be the guys who wear bow ties and suits to the office EVERYDAY. They would always be worrying that something was going to go wrong, or be late, or that there would be traffic on the way home. The seagulls on the other hand would be the office mate who dressed like it was casual Friday everyday. They would probably light up a joint at work if they could. They would be the office mate who says "Don't worry. We'll finish it on time. But first let's go out to lunch. I'm starving." The gulls take so much more joy in life! And they still work hard and get the job done. They just have fun doing it.

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