Saturday, December 3, 2011

My dangerous life

Why do I relish Saturday mornings so much? (see photos) Well, for one thing, this has been dangerous week for me. Saturdays are so calm and peaceful, but the work week has been dangerous. The other morning the security gate at work tried to kill me when it came crashing down on the roof of my car while I was passing under it. (It wasn’t my fault, I swear!) The loud noise almost gave me a heart attack and thank goodness my bike rack protected my car. My only solace is that I noticed the gate is warped now. Ha ha. Then last night on my way home a log fell off some truck on 25A and I ran over it. BOOM! It was like a fireplace log but I knew one thing--it wasn’t good for the underside of my car. Heart attack #2. Then after stopping off for some wine at my favorite store, I headed down to the beach. I said to myself, I will dress warmly, sit in this chair and maybe start a small fire with my fake Duraflame log. I sipped my cocktail and looked out at the water and then a spark from the fire hit me in the eye. I’m blind. I’ve been blinded, I thought. That’s it. I wasn’t really blinded but I did have to go up to the house and wash it out. I finished my drink and went to the movies. Vampires and wolves seemed a lot tamer than my dangerous life.

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