Saturday, April 23, 2011

Class action suit

Tonight I was down at the beach after the rain stopped and it was like a sequel to an environmental horror movie: "Little Plastic Wagon Wheels-II". Remember those plastic wagon wheels that washed up weeks ago? Well they were all over the place tonight and I started to get angry. Why is it that someone can unleash all this crap and not pay a fine? So that is when I had the light bulb moment. I will file a law suit against the Marmaroneck Water Treatment Plant that let those little filtration wagon wheels loose. That's right. I am NOT HAPPY. (That's a copy-righted term, so don't try to steal it). Maybe the water treatment plant thinks they got away with this, but they don't know that I happen to have a little time on my hands and I know a very good lawyer. Tonight the plastic wagon wheels were too numerous to pick up, but the photo shows just some of what I collected for documentation purposes. Other than this big news, the mosquitoes have hatched and the beach was deserted.

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